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Join ACACEMC Today

ACACEMC provides certifications to recognize individuals and corporate organizations who are committed to advancing excellence in a number of Christian education programmes, management and leadership professional programmes relevant to Christian ministry and Christian business today. These certifications are typically obtained by (1) completing the necessary modules to get certification, passing an exam or completing a specific fieldwork experience. (2) evaluating the professional competencies acquired through work experience or non-formal training.


Benefits for you
Certifications can be helpful for several reasons, including:

1. Demonstrating that you have the knowledge and skills to do a job
2. Helping you stand out from other job candidates
3. Improving your earning potential
4. Providing opportunities for career advancement
5. Giving you access to networks and resources


ACACEMC drives innovation and change in you and in your organization with professional certifications.


Working with Face Mask

Certified Christian Leader and Change Manager Course

Certified Christian Leader and Human Resource Manager Course

Certified Christian Marriage and Family Counselor Course

Certified Ministry Mentor Course

Certified Ministry Teacher Course

Certified Biblical Counselor Course

Certified Christian Educator Course

Certified Christian Writer Course

Certified Christian School Teacher Course

Certified Christian Theological Researcher Course


Programmer in Server Room

Certified Bible and Theological Teacher Course

Certified Christian Counselor Course

Certified Christian Author Course

Certified Christian Artist/Artiste & Actor Course

Certified Christian Leadership Expert Course

Certified Christian Entrepreneur Course

Certified Christian Communicator Course

Certified Christian Advertising Agent Course

Certified Christian Business Coach Course

Certified Christian Education Consultant Course


Business Meeting

Certified Theological Seminary Assessment and Evaluation

Certified Bible College Assessment and Evaluation

Certified Christian College and University Assessment and Evaluation

Certified Ministry Training School Assessment and Evaluation

Certified Bible and Theological University Assessment and Evaluation

Certified Professional Christian Training School Assessment and Evaluation

Certified Christian Training Institute Assessment and Evaluation

Certified Christian Business School Assessment and Evaluation


The first step is to get a quote. Click the Get a Quote button and start by expressing your interest via the email to register now. Then, wait a second, you will receive an automatic response from us and details on how to purchase your course and certification, and follow the steps provided.

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